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Fundamental analysis is the basic foundation of Investing.
Investing is the test cricket match of the stock market
world. Investing is not a race where speed matters; it is a
marathon where stamina matters. It is the art of picking the
best in class companies with super 15 rules.
We follow some of the best practices preached by the
world’s top investors and have done extensive validation on
the past data through our simulation models and
programming skills.
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Topics covered in Fundamental Analysis
The power of Equity Investing.
Balance sheet analysis simplified.
Techno Fundamental Investing.
Seasonal Investing.
The CANSLIM Model.
Value Investing.
Richard Wyckoff theory.
How to eliminate the bad stocks?
Concept of Pyramiding.(When to buy more)
Portfolio creation.
Quarterly analysis & review of my portfolio.
Portfolio optimization and balancing.
Dangers of Averaging.
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