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Fundamental analysis is the basic foundation of Investing.

Investing is the test cricket match of the stock market world. Investing is not a race where speed matters; it is a marathon where stamina matters. 


It is the art of picking the best in class companies with super 15 rules. 


We follow some of the best practices preached by the world’s top investors and have done extensive validation on the past data through our simulation models and programming skills.

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In this course, you will become a good stock picker yourself without any support independently after this course. 


We will also empower you with some ready-to-use screeners which will help you to scan the companies with ease.


We will teach the below different subsets of the investing world. They are all like different ice cream flavours. Finally, the base is a vanilla investment model with additional rules to get the relevant firms based on your investment preference.

How does Fundamental Analysis works?

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We cover all concepts of fundamentals in our MasterCourse

Our complete Intelligent Investor Program teachings are based on the principles of

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Benjamin Graham

Known as the "father of value investing", and wrote two of the founding texts in neoclassical investing: 
1) Security Analysis with David Dodd
2) The Intelligent Investor.

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Warren Buffett

Known as the "Oracle of Omaha" Warren is one of the most successful investors of all time

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Peter Lynch

Lynch is the legendary former manager of the Magellan Fund at the major investment brokerage Fidelity. He took over the fund in 1977 at age 33 and ran it for 13 years. His success allowed him to retire in 1990 at age 46

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William J. O'Neil

He is known for being one of the first investors to incorporate computers into his research and investment decision-making process

Based on some of the best books ever written in investing history and not limiting to the 5 books mentioned below. We have simplified and power packed the whole program into a 2-day power-packed session.

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The basics of fundamental analysis

Techno Fundamental Investing

Seasonal Investing

The art of picking the best in class fundamental stocks and buying at a “low risk, better return” price using pure mathematical rules.

Nature follows the 4 climatic cycles. Markets also follow cycles. There are stocks that behave differently in different seasons. Finally, it’s all about seasons and mathematics. Let’s pick the best stocks for each season based on pure mathematics.

Value Investing

Apply the Benjamin graham mathematical rules to buy stocks at a lower price with a clear margin of safety which was extensively followed by Warren Buffet. This is all about buy low and sell high.

Growth Investing

This investment method is based on growth. We don’t worry too much about the high price. We will look for firms that are on a solid growth pattern with superior earnings. This is all about buy high and sell higher.

Turn around Companies Hunting

Good firms become bad. Bad firms may improve and start performing better. We will look for completely beaten-down stocks which show promise of a good future. We may pick them at low prices which will grow our portfolio.

CANSLIM Investing

The concept was pioneered by the world-famous investor William O Neil. It has proven to be one of the most consistent models which outperform the index by a significant extent.

The Super Small Caps Hunting

The art of finding those small companies which can grow at a faster rate than many of the mid/large-cap firms. These are high-risk and high return picks. Only for those who are ready to take more risks.

Multibaggers Investing

There is nothing like Multibaggers investing in this world. It is silly and meaningless and just a marketing stunt. Professional investors are those who look for best-in-class companies based on clear mathematical rules and strong financial statements. A few of those good firms may turn out to be Multibaggers. If someone already knows the future Multibaggers, why don’t they sell their house and buy them? They can buy 2 houses after 2 years

Here is the complete list of the topics covered in the 2 days program.

Day 1

101 The power of Equity Investing.
102 The top 10 dangerous investor mistakes.
103 The 4 legs of my investment system.
104 Balance sheet analysis simplified.
105 Profit loss statement simplified.
106 Cash flow statement simplified.
107 10 golden rules of Investing.
108 Techno Fundamental Investing.
109 Seasonal Investing.
110 Value Investing.
111 Growth Investing.
112 Turn around companies.

Day 2

113 Super small caps hunting.
114 The CANSLIM Model.
115 Richard Wyckoff theory.
116 Which stocks to buy? & When to buy?
117 How to analyse them in detail?
118 How to eliminate the bad stocks?
119 Concept of Pyramiding.(When to buy more)
120 The dangers of Averaging.
121 The power of Stop loss.
122 When should I sell my stocks? (protecting profits)
123 Portfolio creation.
124 Quarterly analysis & review of my portfolio.
125 Portfolio optimization and balancing.

You are one step away from being an expert mathematical trader

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